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1.0. Preserve, maintain and protect the natural capital
2.0. Define a more sustainable urban structure and model
2.1. Foster more sustainable use of the built stock
2.2. Foster the diversity, quality and versatility of urban public spaces
2.3. Favour access to nature (green areas)
2.4. Improve access to facilities
3.0. Shorten distances
3.1. Strengthen non-motorised means of transport
3.2. Reduce private motor traffic by strengthening public transport
4.0. Optimise and reduce energy consumption
4.1. Optimise and reduce water consumption
4.2. Minimise the impact of building materials
5.0. Reduce waste
5.1. Manage waste to reduce its impact
6.0. Favour the cohesion of the social fabric and prevent exclusion
6.1. Complexify the social fabric
7.0. Foster administrative transparency
7.1. Favour citizens' capacity building
7.2. Integrate participation into planning