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Documentos > Foros > Foro Iberoamericano y del Caribe sobre Mejores Prácticas >

Draft Report of the Subregional Meeting in Brasil

Iberoamerican and Caribbean Forum for Best Practices

November 17 to 19, 1997
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Marlene FernandesForum Coordinator.

The meeting was realized, according the Terms of Reference approved by the Secretariat, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, from 17 to 19 of November, 1997 in association with the Local Government.

The number of participants was of 31 from national and local government, 22 NGOs, 05 Universities and 09 other institutions from civil society.

The closing ceremony was presided by Mr. Miguel-Angel Carrillo, from Promotion Ministry of Spain, Mr. Roberto Ottolenghi, from Regional Office from HABITAT for Latin America and Mrs. Tereza Baratta, from National School of Urban Services from IBAM.

All participantes received a form to be filled with their Institutional Profile, in order to generate an institutional directory for the Forum.

All institutions accepted the commitment to registre their best practices on the BLP Data Bank, before April of 1998.

Session 1. Introduction



Session 2. Demonstration of the Data Bank of the Programme BLP


Session 3. Documentation of Best Practices: metodological and conceptual problems


Session 4. Transfers: methodological, operational and finantial



Session 5. Case study 1: solid waste management


Session 6. Case study 2: squatter up-grading


Session 7. Documentation


How to capture the Good Practices?



How to documentate a Good Practice?



How to guarantee confidence of the informations given by the promotors?



How to get a wide disemination of informations and an easy access to the Data Banks of good practices, specifically for the institutions of the civil society?


Session 8. Transfers


In spite of the interest and initiative of local governments and NGOs to look for better knowledge about good practices wherever they are, many times with considerable dificulties of resources and contacts, without an organized and structured process of horizontal cooperation support, transfers usually are faced with financial and technical constraints which limit the concrete results of this modality of technical assistance, proposed by the BLP and the Forum.


Session 9. Communication strategies

The debate counted with the support of a panel of 5 journalists particularly involved with the urban issue and with a large experience in the mass media communications.


How to get space in the media to disseminate the Best Practices? How to counteract the trend of media to give enfasis to the social, economic, administrative and political bad practices? How to pass on to the public a positive vision of the human settlements?


Session 10. Financial strategies

Although the theme was included in the meeting agenda, time was not sufficient to deal with such important issue, since the debate on the communications strategy has responded more to the participants' interests.
However the financial issue is one of the most pressing matters which affects all the institutions participating in the Forum, limiting their capacity of giving continuity to their initiatives of implement, study, evaluate and disseminate best practices to promote human settlements sustainable development.


The participants of the Brazilian Subregional Meeting of the Iberoamerican and Caribbean Forum of Best Practices made clear their interest in the continuity of the Forum activities in 1998, assuming commitements of keeping permanently in touch and to build partnerships among them.

Moreover, the participants from local governments and NGOs have indicated that they will prepare the submissions of their best practices in the BLP Data Bank in order to increase and improve the number and the quality of the experiences from Brazil in response to the purposes of the Forum.

All the presentations and the debates were conducted under the commom understanding of all participants that the best practices are an important tool, in the Brazilian institutional and political context, to build up from the local basis -local government and civil society- the necessary human settlements' public policies which will contribute -with efficiency, accountability, transparency and democracy- to the achievement of the Habitat Agenda and the Agenda 21 development objectives.

IBAM, as the subregional node, consider that the objectives of the meeting were fully complied, following the Forum's purposes.

IBAM assumed the commitement to keep all participants informed on the results of the Regional Meeting of the Forum to be realized in November 24 to 26 in Cali, Colombia.

Documentos > Foros > Foro Iberoamericano y del Caribe sobre Mejores Prácticas >
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Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Grupo de Investigación en Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Sostenibilidad
Departamento de Estructuras y Física de la EdificaciónDepartamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio